GRIFN invita a investigadores

GRIFN invita a investigadores

Contexto: La oficina de ciencia y tecnología de la agencia de desarrollo internacional de los Estados Unidos, invita a todos los investigadores interesados en participar y ser parte activa  del programa de compañeros y socios  de GRIFN (Global Research and Innovation Fellowship Network). Para participar deben enviar su hoja de vida a Esta agencia conoce el potencial de talento entre los investigadores de Corpoica por lo que los invita a aplicar y ser parte del catálogo mundial de esta red de investigación y desarrollo.



INFO INICIAL EN INGLÉS: The US Agency for International Development invites CORPOICA to submit applications to participate in the GRIFN Fellowship Program.  The online catalog for listing opportunities for a research Fellow from USAID’s (GRIFN) is fully operational, and terrific opportunities are being added each day.  However, we have not received very many applications from Colombia.


My colleagues and I have been meeting with potential Fellows and there are many talented researchers who are enthusiastic about working in Colombia. Therefore, we would like for Colombia to have strong representation in the catalog.

Things are moving quickly and a number of important deadlines are approaching, so let us encourage you to add your opportunities to the host catalog as soon as possible.

Also, please share this email with your colleagues and ask them to apply to also host GRIFN Fellows. Please copy so that we may also add them to our contact list.

Some critical information:

Initial Deadline for Opportunity Submission to Catalog:  Monday, September 9, 2013

Host Catalog Opens to potential Fellows:  Mid-September 2013

First GRIFN Fellowships Awarded:  January 2013


I am always available to assist you if you have questions or need additional information.

Thank you for your interest in working with USAID and the National Science Foundation on this important new initiative.

Best regards,

For more information please visit our website at or contact:

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